
Vrksasana, bronze sculpture from Yoga series at Indiaart Gallery, Pune

Salabhasana, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Adho Mukh Svanasana, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Utthita Hasta Padasana, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Virbhadrasana - 2, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Virbhadrasana - 1, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Namaskarasana, bronze sculpture at Indiaart Gallery

Yoga in Bronze

Yoga - 2, sculpture by Bhushan Pathare, recent addition to Sculptors directory on

Some pictures from the inauguration of the show - Yoga and Realisation at Indiaart Gallery, Pune

Panoramic views from the exhibition "Yoga and Meditation" at Indiaart Gallery, Pune

Yoga and Realisation - exhibition of sculptures and paintings at Indiaart Gallery, Pune